Coping with the Heat: Lahore’s Rising Temperatures and the Need for Action

These days, the heatwave in Lahore has become intense. In May, temperatures have soared to 43 degrees Celsius, with predictions that they could reach up to 46 degrees in the coming days. This extreme heat has left everyone, including animals, struggling to cope. While everyone needs to take precautions, it’s particularly important for heart patients to be extra careful during this period.

The Natural Phenomenon Behind the Heat

Experts explain that climatic changes occur due to the Earth’s movements. When the Earth rotates, the areas closest to the sun or directly under its rays experience higher temperatures. Conversely, areas where the rays hit at an angle are relatively cooler. This is why people living in different parts of the world have varying skin tones—from very dark to very fair, with some having a more moderate complexion.

In Pakistan, the climate usually brings four seasons, which is why the skin tone of people here is generally moderate. Typically, Pakistan experiences milder heat compared to other regions. However, it’s concerning that in recent years, the intensity of the heat has been increasing rapidly.

Lifestyle Changes and Rising Temperatures

One of the primary reasons for this increase in heat is the lifestyle changes in the region. People have moved from living in mud houses to large concrete buildings, and the excessive use of air conditioners has also contributed to the rise in temperatures. Experts point out that air conditioners not only increase the heat but also contribute to environmental pollution. Similarly, concrete buildings absorb heat during the day and release it at night in the form of harmful gases, further affecting the climate.

Global Warming and Local Impact

Global warming is another significant factor contributing to the rising heat. Many people in Pakistan prefer burning unnecessary items or garbage, which releases harmful gases into the atmosphere, leading to climatic changes. The increase in heat can also be attributed to the activities in neighboring countries. For instance, China’s rapid industrial growth involved burning large amounts of coal and fossil gases, causing environmental pollution and contributing to the regional increase in temperature.

Deforestation and Its Consequences

Deforestation is another major reason for the rising temperatures. A single tree can produce more cooling effect than ten air conditioners. Unfortunately, the rapid cutting down of trees in our region has exacerbated the climatic changes. It’s crucial to plant more trees instead of cutting them down. Planting trees can have a significantly positive impact on the environment and help control global warming.

The Need for Immediate Action

While we may not be able to completely control the increase or decrease in heat, we can certainly influence it to some extent. By examining our lifestyle choices, we can identify the causes of these drastic climatic changes. It’s everyone’s responsibility to play their part in combating these environmental issues. By taking responsibility and making conscious efforts, we can mitigate the impact of these climatic disasters.


The increasing intensity of heat in Lahore and the broader region calls for urgent action. Planting more trees, reducing the use of air conditioners, and managing waste responsibly are steps we can take to create a positive impact on the environment. It’s time for everyone to recognize their role in addressing these challenges and work towards a sustainable future.